6 Tips To Prevent Bugs In Your Home This Winter

We all know that bugs and other pests only proliferate in the summer. But you still have to stay on top of pest control when it's cold outside! In fact, these creepy crawlies are more intent on getting inside your home--so make sure they can't find a way in using these 6 tips.

Holes and Cracks

The cold winter months can cause problems for your home, but there are steps you can take in order to ensure its durability. Thus, you must do the following:

  • Seal gaps in windows
  • Put weather-strips on entryway doors
  • Screen vents
  • Patch up cracks or holes in walls
  • Check the attic for issues

Clean Out Gutters

Pests look for a warm, cozy place to nest and breed during winter. If you’ve sealed up your home but have debris in the gutters it could be attractive to pests!

This can cause the gutter to clog, which may lead to roof issues like leaks or mildew growth on ceilings as well!

Firewood Storage

Firewood, despite being a renewable resource, contains bugs that can result in pest infestations. Make sure you store your firewood properly away from your home so these pests don't wreak havoc on your property.

Clean Up Plants

To keep your plants healthy and pest-free during the winter, it is crucial that you give them a quick clean before bringing them indoors. Hosing down all parts of any plant will make sure they are free from aphids or other pests which can live on leaves as well as inside the home.

Crumb Control

Keeping your home free from pests is easier than you think. The number one rule on pest prevention? Controlling crumbs! When there are no scraps available, the bugs have nothing to eat so they leave us alone and go looking for food elsewhere.

Rake Leaves

Piled-up dead leaves provide warmth that pests love. They can also serve as a great hiding place, and these creatures love to hide - especially when you're trying to get rid of them!

To ensure your yard stays free of unwanted critters be sure to contact our Professional team https://ift.tt/1jKMNdq

Check out this article for some additional tips!

Encourage Natural Predators

One of the easiest ways to take care of the insects around your home are natural predators, bats and birds. Having trees and bushes around your home (maintained still) is inviting for predators to create nests in.Have a fresh water sources in the yard, but keep it fresh. Stagnant water attracts more insects. Most homeowners would be hesitant to have bats in their yards but they are beneficial in treating insects and sleep all day making them unnoticeable unless you are awake all night.

Repair Cracks

Bugs can enter your home through almost microscopic cracks or holes making it extremely important to patch them up.*Good Tip* If a pencil can slide through a gap or crack so can a young mouse as well as thousands of insects.

Here https://beelinepestcontrol.com/10-tips-to-prevent-bugs-in-your-home-this-winter/

